Leisure or sports in Hermalle-sous-Huy Le Syndicat d'Initiative de Hermalle-sous-Huy vous signale délassements et sports
Jiu-jitsu ? The courses are gived in the "Salle Grandfils" near the school, rue du Pont 9, on Monday and Friday, 7.30-9 pm - Info Eric Van Antwerpen ( +32-(0)475 54 10 82 The members of the Table Tennis Club train street Terwagne in the Salle
L'Amicale opposite the Fermecastrale where was born this organization)
- Francis Hosdain will inform you The amateurs of fishing meet
at the Fishery Pêcherie
du Val d'Oxhe - Route d'Ombret 7 b - The children have a court for basketball between the Center of creativeness and the Place de Hermalle. And if you prefer to read merely,
the non-profit making association Au coeur du livre (To the heart of the book) proposes you its
market of second-hand books in the castrale, chaussée
F. Terwagne 132a - |
in the farm "Ferme Castrale" of Hermalle-sous-Huy province of Liège, between Liège and Huy, Wallonia, Belgium |